EU Commission calls upon businesses to take action for pollinators
At the beginning of June the EU Commission published a Communication on the EU Pollinators Initiative. Businesses are one target group that is called upon to take action. The Commission wants to support this on different levels and provide incentives.
For example, action 9A is about: “The Commission will provide guidance and incentivise businesses to contribute to the conservation of pollinators, in particular in the agri-food sector. It will also continue to promote good practices and innovative business models beneficial to pollinators through the EU Business @ Biodiversity Platform and the European Business Award for the Environment, and will provide funding opportunities through the Natural Capital Financing Facility.”
Do you have a good practice example that you would like to share? Then please contact us - we are happy to forward your example to the EU Business @ Biodiversity Platform.
<link http: environment biodiversity business news-and-events news news-64_en.htm _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>Information on EU Pollinators Initiative
<link http: environment nature conservation species pollinators documents eu_pollinators_initiative.pdf _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>Text of Communication