Protecting resources, sustainability and the preservation of biodiversity has always been the green focus of Werner & Mertz – and not just since the launch of the “Frosch” range of products in 1986.
With the aim of emphasising the urgency surrounding the topic of biodiversity, however, the goals set out in the 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative Leadership Declaration are to be integrated in Werner & Mertz’ existing environmental management system – certified in accordance with the stringent EMAS guidelines issued by the EU. To this end, the company has created a sustainability management staff unit and entrusted its managers with the monitoring and control of Werner & Mertz' biodiversity activities.
Regular features on the company's biodiversity protection aims and successes, achieved partly in co-operation with environmental protection agencies such as NABU and WWF, are included in the Werner & Mertz Group sustainability report.
Supply chain management
With regular surveys and follow-up assessments Werner & Mertz ensures consistent quality standards along the entire supply chain: to the benefit of sustainability and biodiversity.
Forty-eight percent of the packaging and cardboard boxes used, is manufactured on site at the plant in Mainz. Thanks to the in-house production of bottles and canisters 1,500 road haulage assignments are saved every year. This amounts to approx. 900,000 trucking kilometres and some 220,000 litres of diesel fuel p.a. thus avoiding approx. 570 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
The strain on the environment is also greatly reduced by using recycled PET; in contrast to the production of new PET bottles, there is no need to use fossil fuels. As well as the obvious protection of resources, this means less energy is consumed and CO2 emissions remain lower: to the benefit of the environment and bio-diversity.
New headquarters – a plus energy balance building
In planning the necessary new premises the company considered it natural to avoid developing any new “green field” sites. Instead an integrated environmental approach was adopted, with the new headquarters being constructed on an already sealed area on an existing industrial estate. Werner & Mertz considers this too as a move to help preserve biodiversity. The company was awarded the Environment Prize 2010 by the Rhineland Palatinate for its use of optimum sustainable construction methods. Moreover, in September 2012 it received the "LEED Platinum", the most demanding sustainability certification for buildings in the world. By that time, the new headquarters were Germany’s only industrial management building in the highest award class.
Support of environmental protection projects Frosch for frogs – projects with NABU and WWF
By engaging in measures aimed at restoring the Rhine water meadows in the Mainz area, it has been possible to re-introduce the tree frog, a principal species for this particular biotope, and stabilise stocks of existing amphibians. The reclamation of old areas of moor and the creation of new areas such as in Mürmes in the Eifel region not only preserve the valuable habitats of many rare animals and plants, but also secure tracts of moorland as huge CO2 sinks for the long-term.
These and other sponsored projects also help communicate information about the environment to local populations, for instance through exhibitions or the high visibility and recognition of committed conservationists in the region.
Head Office
Mainz, Germany
Washing and cleaning products for end and large users
Turnover 2014
335 million Euro
Worldwide Employees