
Conferences 4th/5th Oct 2017: "Business, biodiversity & natural capital – Ambitions, risks & opportunities"



Conferences 4th/5th Oct 2017: "Business, biodiversity & natural capital – Ambitions, risks & opportunities"

One challenge – one location – two conferences: The EU Business@Biodiversity Platform of the European Commission and the Global Nature Fund (GNF) are joining forces in tackling the challenge for businesses in integrating biodiversity and natural capital. Two conferences under the common motto “Business, biodiversity & natural capital | Ambitions, risks & opportunities” will bring frontrunners and newcomers together with leading scientists, government officials and nature conservation organisations in Frankfurt/Main on 4th and 5th October 2017. 'Biodiversity in Good Company' will contribute to both events. 

4 October 2017: EU B@B Annual Conference 2017 – How to set an ambition level? (language: English)

The first conference, organised by the EU Business and Biodiversity Platform, will mainly focus on the strategic questions faced by businesses when approaching biodiversity and natural capital, namely: “How to set an ambition level?” Through practical examples, different approaches will be set out and solutions identified. The conference will also include a practical workshop focusing on natural capital and biodiversity accounting, innovation, and finance and biodiversity. A detailed update about key policy developments at EU level will also be provided to the members.

Dr. Stefanie Eichiner, Chairwoman of the 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative, will give a keynote speech and participate in the closing panel.

5 October 2017: GNF – Integrating Natural Capital into Your Business (language: English, some breakout sessions offered in German)

The conference on the following day will focus on operational issues related to the integration of natural capital into business. Starting from concrete business cases, the participants will have the chance to explore different natural capital practices, tools and innovations through a series of breakout sessions. Throughout the day, risks and opportunities for business related to natural capital will be discussed. The conference also provides an overview of the key developments taking place in that area in Germany and at international level.

'Biodiversity in Good Company' is a partner of this event.

<link http: en natural-capital-conference _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>Preliminary programmes and registration