Protecting our "natural capital": The 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative is a cross-sectorial collaboration of companies that have joined forces to protect and sustainably use our worldwide biological diversity. Through this commitment they contribute to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Its aim is to halt the dramatic loss of ecosystems, species and genetic diversity. Read more about the initiative Become a member
What do companies have to do with biodiversity and how should they get involved? "Basic knowledge: companies and biodiversity" is a series of short, cross-industry information modules for companies interested in finding out more on this topic. Read
One challenge – one location – two conferences: The EU B@B Platform of the European Commission and the Global Nature Fund (GNF) are joining forces in tackling the challenge for businesses in integrating biodiversity and natural capital. 'Biodiversity in Good Company' will contribute to both events.
7 Sept 2016. einhorn products GmbH joins the 'Biodiversity in Good Company' initiative today, and signs the “Leadership Declaration”, which makes it the first classic start-up to become a member of the company network.
In a four minute movie Veolia shows the many facets of the company's commitment to biodiversity
Two companies joined our Initiative in the past months. We welcome new allies in the urgent need to intergate biodiversity within sustainability manamgement systems.
The United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) issued a publication regarding biodiversity and the finance sector: "Beyond 'Business as Usual': Biodiversity Targets and Finance. Managing biodiversity risks across business sectors.
"Mainstreaming the Topic of Biodiversity in Corporate Sustainability Management – Experience and Recommendations from the ‘Biodiversity in Good Company’ Initiative"
At the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2016 on 22 June in New York, Ulisses Matiolli Sabará, President of Beraca, was announced as one of ten 2016 Local SDG Pioneers for his efforts that align with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 on Life on Land.
During the 77. General Assembly of the United Nations, held two days ago in New York, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany will contribute to the financing of international protection of biodiversity with 1,5 billion Euro yearly by 2025, which means around the double investment performed in 2017-2021.
This question was addressed by experts from the public and private sectors worldwide during a session at the Global Landscape Forum on Biodiversity (Biodiversity Digital Conference: One World – One Health).
Please note the English and Japanese website provide some basic information on the initiative. The German website is more comprehensive.
In 2018 the 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative celebrated its 10th anniversary. Find out more about our history, our background and our member companies in our anniversary brochure!
During the 77. General Assembly of the United Nations, held two days ago in New York, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany will contribute to the financing of international protection of biodiversity with 1,5 billion Euro yearly by 2025, which means around the double investment performed in 2017-2021.
Two companies joined our Initiative in the past months. We welcome new allies in the urgent need to intergate biodiversity within sustainability manamgement systems.
At the 2021 edition of the European Business Nature Summit (EBNS), a strong 'European Business Statement' was published. It was developed by 13 EBNS partners, among them the 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative.
How do SMEs consider their relationship with nature? What are the best practices that pioneering SMEs have developed to date? What type of support do SMEs require to further progress on this journey?