
Global Leadership Event Business for Nature



Global Leadership Event Business for Nature

Am 15. Juni 2020 findet das Global Leadership von Business for Nature statt. Thema des events ist “Building business resilience: How collective leadership will reverse nature loss”. Melden Sie sich jetzt an!

Organisatoren sind World Economic Forum, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), UN Global Compact, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Business for Nature.

Die Veranstaltung richtet sich ausdrücklich an die Wirtschaft und ist als interaktives Format mit folgenden Schwerpunkten geplant:

  • reflect on the lessons being learned from COVID-19 and discuss them in the context of the planetary crisis;
  • explore how collective action is essential to building greater resilience; and
  • hear from companies that are including nature in their decision-making and accelerating progress towards a more sustainable future.

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