
New report of European Commission on biodiversity and ecosystem services



New report of European Commission on biodiversity and ecosystem services

How do biodiversity and ecosystem services interact and what can be achieved by the ecosystem services approach? In May, a new report on this matter was published by the European Commission. It is helpful also for companies who strive to get a better understanding and want to communicate on this issue.

1. The role of biodiversity in ecosystem services 
2. Mapping and assessing ecosystem services
3. Valuation of ecosystem services 
4. The importance of systems thinking

Science for Environment Policy (2015): Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity. In-depth Report 11 produced for the European Commission, DG Environment by the Science Communication Unit, UWE, Bristol. <link http: environment integration research newsalert pdf ecosystem_services_biodiversity_ir11_en.pdf _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>PDF Download